Once a month, we gather a group of researchers, practitioners, policy-makers, and students to read and discuss newly emerging research publications on child and youth trauma, and trauma-informed care.
Our students pull highlights from these publications and discussions to create Research to Practice & Policy Knowledge Bulletins. We share these research-based knowledge bulletins with practice and policy settings who are actively working to improve the lives of children and youth across Canada.
The last Thursday of each month, from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. (Eastern Time).
🗓 Dates: January 30, 2025 | February 27, 2025 | March 27, 2025 | April 24, 2025
If you are interested in participating in our Journal Watch, please contact us at [email protected]
By Rusan Lateef, PhD Candidate in Social Work at McGill University.
By Michelle Miller, University of Waterloo MSW Student.
By Georgia Kehl, University of Victoria BSW Student.
By Anika Drouin, Bachelor of Social Work student at Université de Sherbrooke.
By Marissa Wais, BA student at Université Laval.
To view the complete list of selected items, follow this link.
Sara Didi Hassane, Undergraduate student at the University of Ottawa.
To view the complete list of selected items, follow this link.
Mélina Paré, BSW Student at Université de Sherbrooke.
To view the complete list of selected items, follow this link.
Marie-Hélène Guilbault-Pinel, doctoral student in Psychology, UQTR.
To view the complete list of selected items, follow this link.
Kyle Turone - Bulletin to come
Mélina Paré, BSW Student at Université de Sherbrooke.
To view the complete list of selected items, follow this link.
Marion Larose, Ph. D. Candidate, School of Psychoeducation, Université de Montréal.
To consult the complete list of selected articles: Follow this link.
Rusan Lateef, PhD Candidate in Social Work at McGill University.
To consult the complete list of selected articles: Follow this link.
Sara Didi Hassane, bachelor student in psychology, University of Ottawa.
To consult the complete list of selected articles: Follow this link.
Sara Didi Hassane, bachelor student in psychology, University of Ottawa.
To consult the complete list of selected articles: Follow this link.
Ky Scott, bachelor of social work Student, McGill University.
To consult the complete list of selected articles: Follow this link.
Sara Didi Hassane, bachelor student in psychology, University of Ottawa.
To consult the complete list of selected articles: Follow this link.
Beenish Shazad, global UGRAD scholarship recipient and psychology exchange student at the State University of New York.
To consult the complete list of selected articles: Follow this link.
Ash Lowenthal, PhD Candidate in Social Work, McGill University.
To consult the complete list of selected articles: Follow this link.
By Audrey Kern M.A. student in Counselling Psychology, McGill University
By Tareq Hardan, PhD candidate in Social Work, McGill University
By Isabelle Laguë, PhD Candidate at the School of Psychoeducation University of Montréal
By Alesha Frederickson, MA. Student in Counselling Psychology, McGill University.
By Katerina Pappas, MSc student in Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine, University of Manitoba.
September article summary by Emily Diaczun, MSW student, University of Victoria.
October articles summarized by Rusan Lateef, PhD Candidate in Social Work, McGill University.
By Marianne Lemieux, B.Sc. Psychology, University of Montreal; Certificate student in social work, Laval University.
- What is the perspective of clinicians in schools and secondary health care regarding trauma-informed approaches and their implementation in their work environment?
- How can the organizational culture of child welfare services undermine the mission of the institution?
- What are the characteristics of children referred to Canadian child support centers following exposure to maltreatment, and what are the implications for practice?