

Health Care

Health Care

This section of the portal offers resources on trauma-informed practices that can be integrated into healthcare facilities.

Guides & Fact Sheets

Pediatric Medical Traumatic Stress: A Comprehensive Guide for Health Care Providers

Created by the Center for Pediatric Traumatic Stress, the National Child Traumatic Stress Network and The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

This guide offers a compendium of tools to guide medical professionals in effectively assessing and treating medical traumatic stress in children and families. It helps providers address the emotional, as well as the physical side of trauma. The guide is also anchored by the D-E-F Protocol for trauma-informed care, which helps providers respond to Distress, offer Emotional support, and ensure Family-centered care for traumatized children and families. It includes guidebooks on implementing trauma-informed care, with case studies and examples, as well as complimentary patient handouts for children and parents with evidence-based tips and activities. 

Youth Engagement in the Emergency Room

Created by Trauma Informed Oregon.

This tip sheet, created for emergency room staff, offers guidelines so professionals who are interacting with youth/young adults are equipped and are providing sensitive care. 


Training Module: Health Care Practitioner Module and Resources

Created by the Florida State University Center for Prevention and Early Intervention Policy (CPEIP) and the Center on the Developing Child and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

These Early Childhood Health Optimization resources were creaged for pediatricians, OB/GYNs, therapists, and Care Coordinators across the state of Florida. Available free of charge via CPEIP’s website, the resources include an interactive, multimedia module (approximately 52 minutes) and discussion guide introducing practitioners to the science of early childhood development, toxic stress, executive function, resilience and mental health.


Trauma-Informed Healthcare

Created by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

This part of the website, dedicated to trauma-informed healthcare systems, offers tools and materials for building skills and increasing knowledge about childhood trauma to help healthcare providers understand and respond to the needs of traumatized children.By implementing trauma-informed integrated care practices, organizations can position themselves to have the greatest positive impact on the whole health of children, adolescents, families, and communities. It presents the essential elements of a trauma-informed healthcare and offers resources divided by resource type, trauma type, language, audience and other. 

Health Care Toolbox

Created by Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and Health Care Toolbox.

The goals of Health Care Toolbox are to increase awareness of medical traumatic stress in children, provide information and evidence-based recommendations for health care providers, and guide parents and families to resources to help them cope with a child’s illness of injury. They offer free CE for nurses and handouts.