

Ginny Sprang

Ginny Sprang

UK Center on Trauma and Children

Ginny Sprang, PhD, is a Professor in the College of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry at the University of Kentucky, and a Principal Investigator and Executive Director of the Center on Trauma and Children. She served as a member of the National Steering Committee for the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), is Chair Emeritus of the Secondary Traumatic Stress Committee for the NCTSN, and the Principal Investigator of the Secondary Traumatic Stress Innovations and Solutions Center, a Category II grant with the National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative (funding source: SAMHSA). Dr. Sprang's research focuses on the clinical, forensic and empirical aspects of traumatic stress, secondary Traumatic stress, and the efficacy and effectiveness of treatments to address the biopsychosocial impact of trauma.