



At McMaster Children’s Hospital and University, the Child Advocacy and Assessment Program (CAAP), primarily provides assessment and consultation services to children, youth, and their caregivers (parents, kin, foster care providers, etc.) who have been exposed to any form of child maltreatment (sexual, physical, emotional abuse, neglect, and intimate partner violence). Additionally, CAAP provides consultation to community partners/services working with children and youth. CAAP provides assessments regarding child maltreatment, impact of verified child maltreatment, parenting capacity, sexual assault follow-up and counseling, a medical follow-up clinic, and foster care consultation service. The overall aim of the program is to reduce the burden of suffering associated with child maltreatment through clinical, educational, and research activities. CAAP provides training and educational presentations covering a range of topics related to child maltreatment and parenting capacity. Members of CAAP are involved in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education.