

Yorkton Tribal Council Child & Family Services

Yorkton Tribal Council Child & Family Services

has a mission to protect the best interest of First Nations children and families. The Yorkton Tribal Council Child and Family Services Inc. Administration is mandated to provide appropriate preventative and protective child and family services to the members of the fourteen member First Nations (Ocean Man First Nation, Kahkewistahaw First Nation, Cote First Nation, Keeseekoose First Nation, Key First Nation, Zagime Anishnabek, Pheasant Rump Nakota First Nation, White Bear First Nation, Ochapowace First Nation, Peepeekisis Cree Nation, Star Blanket Cree Nation, Nekaneet First Nation, Little Black Bear's Band, and Muscowpetung Saulteaux First Nation) pursuant to, and consistent with, the provisions of the FSIN's Indian Child Welfare and Family Support Act and The Saskatchewan Child Welfare Act.