

Thomas Ketelaars

Thomas Ketelaars


Thomas Ketelaars CYW, is the Sr. Manager of Professional Development and Community Relations at the Child and Parent Recourse Institute (CPRI), a Branch with in the Ontario Ministry of Children Community and Social Services (MCCSS). Tom spent the first 6 years at CPRI working on the intensive inpatient units, primarily with adolescent boys with complex mental health challenges. 

Tom then led CPRI’s implementation of the trauma-informed Sanctuary Model (the first certified in Canada!). Since then, Tom has trained and delivered presentations to thousands of staff and leaders across Ontario and Canada on Trauma-Informed Care and has co-authored research posters and presentations related to organizational TIC, including a recent publication in “Traumatology”. 

Tom Previously managed in Applied Research and Education, Education and Learning Services, Tele-Mental Health Services, and Volunteer departments at CPRI.

Tom is the proud father of 5 boys and loves every minute of it!