On May 1st, at the Trauma Symposium on Child and Youth Trauma 2024, undergraduate and graduate students and post-doctoral fellows from Canadian Universities had the opportunity to present their posters, either individually or in groups. Posters had to describe applied or theoretical research (including original research, program evaluations or literature reviews) in the area of child and youth trauma. By presenting their poster, participants had a chance to win awards.
Student Award - Université du Québec à Montréal
A Collective Responsibility: Deepening the Social-Ecological Perspective on the Resilience of Adolescent Survivors of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Sexual Violence
Student Award - University of Victoria
Recommendations for Addressing Barriers to Accessing Trauma-Related Mental Health Support for Trans and Gender-Diverse Young People
Coup de coeur Award - University of Regina
Creating a Trauma-Integrated Practices (TIPs) Knowledge Mobilization Series for Child-Serving Sectors in Saskatchewan
McMaster University & University of Manitoba
National Prevalence Study of Peer-Perpetrated Sexual Crimes against Children in Canada: Trends and Demographic Patterns (2011-2021)
Université de Montréal
Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on the Social Functioning of People Living with a Psychotic Disorder
Université du Québec à Montréal
Profiles of Self-Regulation and Their Association with Behavior Problems among Sexually Abused Children
McGill University
The Mediational Role of Romantic Attachment in the Association Between Childhood Emotional Maltreatment and Romantic Satisfaction in Canadian Emerging Adults
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Family History of Mental Health and Maternal History of Trauma in Community Births
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Characterizing Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in Pregnant Women Who Have Experienced Childhood Trauma
McGill University
The Role of Supportive Peer Relationships and Positive Self-Worth in Minimizing Problem Behaviours Among Children Living in Poverty
Université de Montréal
Unveiling the Role of Secondary Schools in the Experience of Newcomers with Post-Traumatic Stress Reactions
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Trauma, Personality Disorders and Prenatal Parental Mentalization
Université Laval
Identifying the Path of Trauma-Sensitive Public Policy to Learn How to Implement It
Université de Sherbrooke
Getting off on the Right Foot in the Midst of a Labour Crisis: A Study of Coping Processes, Well-Being and the Organizational Factors That Support Them Among Practitioners and the Next Generation
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Communicating Scientific Knowledge About Trauma: Current State of the Art
Université Laval
Music Learning and Group Practice: An Innovative Intervention to Mitigate the Consequences of Early Adversity
Université Laval
By and for Young People: Empowerment at the Heart of the Co-Creation of an Awareness-Raising Tool Against Sexual Exploitation Dedicated to Parents
McGill University
Sleep Quality, Placement Trauma and Well-Being in Adult Child Welfare Alumni Age 30+: A Mixed Method Study
Université du Québec à Montréal
Application of the A.R.C. Model With Youth Center Educators
University of British Columbia - Okanagan
Sleep and Caregiver-Child Relationships in Foster and Kinship Care
Université de Montréal
Risks of (Re)Traumatization of Young People Placed for Sexual Abuse in the Trajectory of Socio-Judicial Services: State of Knowledge
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Exploring the Associations Between Fathers’ History of Childhood Trauma, Paternal Involvement, and Child Temperament
Université de Montréal
Impact of the “Trauma of Loss” of an Attachment Bond on School and Social Adjustment and Coping Strategies: Stories of Young People in Quebec
Bishop's University
The Creation, Piloting and Evaluation of Trauma Awareness Educational Materials ‘With and For’ a University Community
Université de Caen, France
Creation of an Innovative Support System for Children and Teenagers From Child Protection Services Presenting Complex Psychotrauma
Université de Sherbrooke
Relational Sequelae of Sexual Exploitation in Young Women With a History of Placement in Rehabilitation Centers
University of Ottawa
Children Exposed to Sibling Sexual Abuse: Demographic and Trauma Symptom Differences
Université de Montréal
Qualitative Exploration of Patients’ and Clinicians’ Perspectives on the Implementation of Psychotherapy for Complex Trauma (TCD-PTSD)
Université de Sherbrooke
Associations Between Parenting Practices, Emotional Insensitivity Traits, and Antisocial Behavior in Youth. Update 10 Years Later
McGill University
Maternal Dissociation Mediating the Associations Between Different Forms of Child Maltreatment and Mother-Infant Bonding
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Cannabis Use Among Parents of a Child Aged 11 or Under in Quebec
University of Toronto
A Comedic Improvisation Intervention for Teenagers Experiencing Abuse
University of Western Ontario
Investigating Predictors of Communicative Outcomes in Children and Youth Using the interRAI ChYMH
University of Ottawa
Intergenerational Transmission of Child Maltreatment Among Black Families in Canada
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Using Digital Storytelling as a Research Method With Young People Exposed to a Traumatic Event
Université de Montréal
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the “Adultes Sensibilisés, Enfants Protégés” Webinar Dedicated to Parents on the Prevention of Sexual Violence in Childhood.
University of Regina
Walking in a Good Way Alongside Refugee and Immigrant Children and Youth in Complex Times
Université Laval
Supporting Children’s Executive Functions in the Context of Complex Trauma Through the Quality of Emotional Support
Université de Montréal
Coercive Parenting Practices and Cognitive Development at Preschool Age: Protocol of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies