This serie offers way educators can build a connected classeroom, create a safe environment, create an inclusive classroom, reframe classroom discipline, and take care of themselves.
- Created by Dr. Bruce Perry.
This panel, presented during the 2022 Trauma Symposium, addresses the benefits of youth engagement, provides skills for working with people who have childhood experiences of IPV, and offers recommendations based on this study’s findings.
- Created by Olivia Cullen, Angelique Jenney & Laura Lynn Shiels.
In this webinar, Dr. Ramona Alaggia and colleagues discuss intentionally marginalized communities like Black communities, non-status refugees, immigrant women, and children in care. They explore community experiences, system impacts, initiatives for change, and support strategies.
- Created by Learning Network & Knowledge Hub and Western University.
In this webinar, the findings from analyses of the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) cohort are presented and they confirm strong links between IPV and parental mental health before the child turns nine years and poor mental health reported by the child at age 18. Preliminary findings on the relationship between parental IPV and a range of clinically relevant adversity and mental health-related indicators are also reported.
- Created by the Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
In this video, Dr. Wanda Gabriel discusses intergenerational trauma and how it is perpetrated, trauma-informed responses when working with oppressed individuals and how oppression works.
- Created by Wanda Gabriel.
This approximately 1 hour media conference aimed to consult stakeholders on behalf of children and families. It presented an overview of the consultation methods, findings, and recommendations.
- Created by Wisdom2Action.
This Youtube channel offers various webinars in French and English and explores topics related to violence and abuse such as domestic violence, coercitive control, laws and policies, homicide, criminal justice, immigration and much more.
- Created by Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.
This panel, presented during the 2022 Trauma Symposium, mentions the way relationship patterns between infants and caregivers develop very early and together determine security. The questions of how the attachment pattern evolves, along with protective and risk factors, as well as how mental health develops in infancy and in the early years, are addressed.
- By Mary Rella.
In an approximately one-hour presentation, Dr. Michael Ungar discusses seven factors predicting resilience across cultures, drawing from extensive international research and clinical practice.
- Created by Michael Ungar.
In the webinar, Dr. Amy Montour discusses the impact of social, economic, and cultural factors on Indigenous health and aging, while Dr. Andrea Gonzalez explores how life experiences and generational perspectives inform current health patterns and aging.
- Created by McMaster Institute for Research on Aging (MIRA).