


This section brings together all our resources on trauma in children and adolescents. You can use the filter bar to select audience, resource type, or theme; or search by keyword.

Books & Articles

This book provides information on the key concepts regarding child welfare system. It explores Indigenous child welfare and offers conclusions and recommendations to promote positive outcomes for children and families involved in the system.

- Created by Dr. Kathleen Kufeldt, Dr. Barbara Fallon and Dr. Brad McKenzie.

Books & Articles

This book focuses on uncovering the underlying developmental mechanisms that account for the association between trauma and antisocial behavior, as well as identifying the intervening processes that might encourage youth to be more positively social.

- Created by Dr. Patricia K. Kerig.

Books & Articles

This article sheds light on the signs you need to look for when suspecting child abuse and how to respond to it efficiently. It also provides definitions of different types of abuse.

- Created by Luna Child and Youth Advocacy Centre.

Books & Articles

This is the third in a trilogy of books that chronicle the revolutionary changes in our mental health and human service delivery systems that have conspired to disempower staff and hinder client recovery. "Restoring Sanctuary" is a roadmap to recovery for our nation's systems of care. It explores the notion that organizations are living systems themselves, and as such, they manifest various degrees of health and dysfunction, analogous to those of individuals.

- Created by Dr. Sandra Bloom.

Books & Articles

This book aims to support mothers with PTSD in discussing what they're feeling and also to reassure children that their mother wont feel like this forever, that they're not to blame for their mother's symptoms and that they're still very much loved. It can be difficult for mothers to express themselves when they're experiencing the full force of PTSD symptoms, so this book is aimed to be used as a tool for mothers to make reference to, to help communicate and reassure her child, in a gentle and memorable manner.

- Created by Lindsey J Crockett.

Books & Articles

The purpose of this article, written by Dr. Bruce D. Perry is to provide an overview of PTSD in children. While targeted for an interdisciplinary audience, portions may be helpful to parents and caregivers living with children suffering from PTSD.

- Created by the Child Trauma Academy.

Books & Articles

This book discusses and validates the difficult times of one who is going through grief. The Grand's Cooking Tips section at the back of the book is rich with wisdom and concrete recommendations to soften those difficult moments.

- Created by Pat Schwiebert and Chuck DeKlyen.

Books & Articles

In The Body Keeps the Score, Dr. Bessel van der Kolk uses recent scientific advances to show how trauma literally reshapes both body and brain, compromising sufferers’ capacities for pleasure, engagement, self-control, and trust. He explores innovative treatments—from neurofeedback and meditation to sports, drama, and yoga—that offer new paths to recovery by activating the brain’s natural neuroplasticity.

- Created by Dr. Bessel van der Kolk.

Books & Articles

Deftly combining unforgettable case histories with his own compassionate, insightful strategies for rehabilitation, Dr. Perry explains what exactly happens to the brain when a child is exposed to extreme stress -- and reveals the unexpected measures that can be taken to ease a child's pain and help him grow into a healthy adult.

- Created by Dr. Bruce D. Perry.

Books & Articles

For children aged 2 to 7

This book is a useful tool for talking to children about emotions. The story revolves around a monster who changes color according to the emotions he feels. Embossed elements appear on each page to illustrate the emotion in question.

- Created by Anna Llenas.