

Publications des membres

sur le trauma chez les enfants et les adolescents parues depuis 2020

Titre de la publication

Wei, A., Khalid, M., Ge, E., Kang, J., Horse, M. L., & Wekerle, C. (2022). Research Reactivity and Distress Protocols for Youth Trauma-related Research: A Scoping ReviewInternational Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience9(1). 

Christine Wekerle

Theall, L., Ninan, A., Arbeau, K., Mannone, J., & Stewart, S. L. (2022). Interrupting the Cycle: Association of Parental Stress and Child/Youth Psychotropic Medication Nonadherence. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 1-7. 

Shannon Stewart

Zhang, J., Madigan, S., & Browne, D. (2022). Caregivers’ psychological distress, technology use, and parenting: The importance of a multidimensional perspective. Computers in Human Behavior134, 107324. 

Sheri Madigan

Guyon-Harris, K., Ahlfs-Dunn, S., Madigan, S., Bronfman, E., Benoit, D., & Huth-Bocks, A. (2022). Disrupted caregiving behavior as a mediator of the relation between disrupted prenatal maternal representations and toddler social–emotional functioningDevelopment and Psychopathology, 34(3), 755-763. 

Sheri Madigan

Cooke, J. E., Deneault, A. A., Devereux, C., Eirich, R., Fearon, R. P., & Madigan, S. (2022). Parental sensitivity and child behavioral problems: A meta‐analytic reviewChild Development93(5), 1231-1248.

Sheri Madigan

Ives, N. L., & Gabriel, W. (2022). Walking the Decolonization Talk: Reckoning with the Past and Wrestling with the Present to Reimagine the Future of Social Work Education in Nunavik. American Review of Canadian Studies, 52(3), 310-326. 

Wanda Gabriel

Cortoni, F. & Lafortune, D. (2009). Le traitement correctionnel fondé sur des données probantes : une recension. Criminologie42(1), 61–89. 

Denis Lafortune

Alatorre, I., MacMillan, H. L., & McLennan, J. D. (2022). 1.80 Shaking As a Punishment of Very Young Children in Chad: Prevalence and Risk Factors. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry61(10), S167.

Harriet MacMillan

Whitt-Woosley, A., Sprang, G., & Eslinger, J. (2022). Foster care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative analysis of caregiver and professional experiences. Child Abuse & Neglect124, 105444. 

Ginny Sprang

Lucero, N. M. (2022). Book Review: Making a difference: My fight for native rights and social justice by Deer, A

Nancy Lucero

Lucero, N. M. (2022). Book review: taking children: a history of american terror by l. briggs. Affilia, (20220211). 

Nancy Lucero

Struck, S., Afifi, T., Nickel, N., Theule, J., & Brownell, M. (2020). Supported Playgroup Participation During Infancy and Developmental Health at School Entry: The Healthy Baby Community Support Program in Manitoba, CanadaInternational Journal of Population Data Science5(5).

Tracie Afifi

Afifi, T. O., Salmon, S., Garcés, I., Struck, S., Fortier, J., Taillieu, T., ... & MacMillan, H. L. (2020). Confirmatory factor analysis of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) among a community-based sample of parents and adolescentsBMC pediatrics20, 1-14.

Harriet MacMillan, Tracie Afifi

Durrant, J. E., Stewart-Tufescu, A., & Afifi, T. O. (2020). Recognizing the child’s right to protection from physical violence: An update on progress and a call to action. Child Abuse & Neglect, 110, 104297. 

Tracie Afifi

Fortier, J., Stewart-Tufescu, A., Salmon, S., Davila, I. G., MacMillan, H. L., Gonzalez, A., ... & Afifi, T. O. (2020). What type of survey research questions are identified by adults as upsetting? A focus on child maltreatmentChild Abuse & Neglect109, 104764. 

Andrea Gonzalez, Harriet MacMillan, Tracie Afifi

Afifi, T. O., Taillieu, T., Salmon, S., Davila, I. G., Stewart-Tufescu, A., Fortier, J., ... & MacMillan, H. L. (2020). Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), peer victimization, and substance use among adolescents. Child Abuse & Neglect106, 104504. 

Harriet MacMillan, Tracie Afifi

McLennan, J. D., MacMillan, H. L., & Afifi, T. O. (2020). Questioning the use of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) questionnaires. Child Abuse & Neglect101, 104331. 

Harriet MacMillan, Tracie Afifi

McLennan, J. D., MacMillan, H. L., Afifi, T. O., McTavish, J., & Gonzalez, A. (2020). Problems with the recommendation to implement ACEs screening. Paediatrics & Child Health25(1), 64-65. 

Andrea Gonzalez, Harriet MacMillan, Tracie Afifi

Afifi, T. O., & Asmundson, G. J. (2020). Current knowledge and future directions for the ACEs fieldAdverse childhood experiences, 349-355. 

Tracie Afifi

Afifi, T. O. (2020). Considerations for expanding the definition of ACEs. In Adverse childhood experiences (pp. 35-44). Academic Press. 

Tracie Afifi

Turner, S., Menzies, C., Fortier, J., Garces, I., Struck, S., Taillieu, T., ... & Afifi, T. O. (2020). Child maltreatment and sleep problems among adolescents in Ontario: a cross sectional study. Child abuse & neglect, 99, 104309. 

Tracie Afifi

Cheung, K., Taillieu, T., Tonmyr, L., Sareen, J., & Afifi, T. O. (2020). Previous reports of child maltreatment from the Canadian Incidence Study (CIS) 2008 of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect: An examination of recurrent substantiation and functional impairment. Children and youth services review108, 104507.

Tracie Afifi

Alaggia, R., & Collin-Vézina, D. (2020). Child sexual abuse and youth sexual assault: Environmental impacts on disclosure and response to disclosures. Child abuse and neglect, 104284-104284. 

Delphine Collin-Vézina, Ramona Alaggia

Rough, H. E., Hanna, B. S., Gillett, C. B., Rosenberg, D. R., Gehring, W. J., Arnold, P. D., & Hanna, G. L. (2020). Screening for pediatric obsessive–compulsive disorder using the obsessive–compulsive inventory-child versionChild Psychiatry & Human Development51, 888-899. 

Paul Arnold

Collin-Vézina, D., Brend, D., Black, K., Beeman, I., & Brown, S. (2020). Impacts of child welfare worker and clientele characteristics on attitudes toward trauma informed-care. Developmental Child Welfare2(4), 244-261.

Delphine Collin-Vézina, Denise Brend, Irene Beeman

Collin-Vézina, D., Brend, D., & Beeman, I. (2020). When it counts the most: Trauma-informed care and the COVID-19 global pandemic. Developmental Child Welfare, 2(3), 172-179. 

Delphine Collin-Vézina, Denise Brend, Irene Beeman

Berthelot, N., Lemieux, R., Garon‐Bissonnette, J., & Muzik, M. (2020). Prenatal attachment, parental confidence, and mental health in expecting parents: the role of childhood trauma. Journal of midwifery & women's health65(1), 85-95. 

Nicolas Berthelot

Touchette, E., Servot, S., Lemieux, R., & Berthelot, N. (2020). 0859 Types Of Childhood Maltreatment And Sleep Regulation During PregnancySleep, 43, A327. 

Nicolas Berthelot

Berthelot, N., Garon-Bissonnette, J., Lemieux, R., Drouin-Maziade, C., & Maziade, M. (2020). Paucity of intervention research in childhood maltreatment contrasts with the long known relation with mental health disorders: Is trauma research translational enough?. Mental Health & Prevention, 19, 200189. 

Nicolas Berthelot

Berthelot, N. (2020). Supporting infant mental health through early interventions with caregivers who experienced toxic stress and early adversity. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry59(10), S295-S296. 

Nicolas Berthelot

Garon-Bissonnette, J., Duguay, G., Lemieux, R., Drouin-Maziade, C., & Berthelot, N. (2020). 29.10 The Protective Role of Mentalizing in the Intergenerational Trajectories of  Developmental Trauma. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 59(10), S209. 

Nicolas Berthelot

Brend, D. M. (2020). Residential childcare workers in child welfare and moral distress. Children and Youth Services Review119, 105621.


Denise Brend

Brend, D., Fréchette, N., Milord-Nadon, A., Harbinson, T., & Collin-Vezina, D. (2020). Implementing trauma-informed care through social innovation in child welfare residential treatment centres serving elementary school children. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience, 7(1), 222-232. 

Delphine Collin-Vézina, Denise Brend

Brend, D. M., & Sprang, G. (2020). Trauma-informed care in child welfare: An imperative for residential childcare workers. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience, 7(1), 154-165. 

Denise Brend, Ginny Sprang

Brend, D., Fréchette, N., Milord-Nadon, A., Harbinson, T., & Colin-Vezina, D. (2020). Implementing trauma-informed care through social innovation in residential care facilities serving elementary school children. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience7(1), 222-232. 

Delphine Collin-Vézina, Denise Brend

Collin-Vézina, D., Brend, D., & Fallon, B. (2020). Screening or Not Screening? Unresolved Debates on the Use of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire in Routine Screening. CWRP Information Sheet #202E. Toronto, ON: Canadian Child Welfare Research Portal. 

Barbara Fallon, Delphine Collin-Vézina, Denise Brend

Collin-Vézina, D. (2020). Thematic section on child and youth complex trauma: Promoting social courage to shift practices, policies and research. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience7(1), 102-107. 

Delphine Collin-Vézina

Hélie, S., Collin-Vézina, D., Trocmé, N., & Girouard, N. (2020). Portrait des enfants âgés de 0 à 5 ans. Point de vue du milieu de garde face aux signalements de la maltraitance, 7. 

Delphine Collin-Vézina

Bruneau-Bherer, R., Tremblay, S., Matte-Landry, A., Pépin, C., & Collin-Vézina, D. (2020). Le programme Namaste, une psychothérapie de groupe basée sur le yoga pour les jeunes ayant un vécu de traumas complexes: une série d’étude de cas. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience7(1), 166-177. 

Delphine Collin-Vézina

Matte-Landry, A., & Collin-Vézina, D. (2020). Cognitive outcomes of children who have experienced complex trauma: a systematic review protocolJBI Evidence Synthesis18(3), 543-552. 

Delphine Collin-Vézina