

Publications by members

on child and youth trauma published since 2020

Publication's title

Fallon, B., Jenkins, J., Akbari, S. C., & Joh-Carnella, N. (2020). Abuse, Neglect, and Maltreatment of Infants. Neuroscience and Behavioural Psychology. In Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development, 1 (pp. 1–11).  Academic Press.

Barbara Fallon

St-Pierre, L., & Laurier, C. (2020). Fragilité suicidaire des jeunes délinquants. Analyse interprétative phénoménologique de l’expérience en mise sous garde. Nouvelles perspectives en sciences sociales15(2), 83-136. 

Catherine Laurier

Morin, C., & Laurier, C. (2020). L’identification des symptômes et des troubles intériorisés chez les jeunes contrevenants. Revue québécoise de psychologie41(3), 259-282. 

Catherine Laurier

Tremblay, M. J., Daignault, I. V., Fontaine, N. M., Boisvert, I., & Tourigny, M. (2020). School-aged children with sexual behavior problems: Untangling the relationship between externalizing behavior problems and non-sexual victimization on the variety and severity of sexual behaviors. Child Abuse & Neglect107, 104490. 

Isabelle Daignault

Pitre, C., Daignault, I., & Tourigny, M. (2021). Enfance et comportements sexuels problématiques: différences observées à la suite d’une psychothérapie d’approche cognitive comportementaleSexologies30(4), 242-259. 

Isabelle Daignault

Bergeron, A., Deslauriers-Varin, N., Daignault, I., & Lussier, P. (2022). The disclosure of children who exhibit problematic sexual behaviors. Child Abuse & Neglect, 134, 105923. 

Isabelle Daignault

Chouinard-Thivierge, S., Lussier, P., & Daignault, I. V. (2022). A longitudinal examination of developmental covariates of sexual behavior problems among youth referred to child protection servicesSexual Abuse34(5), 537-567. 

Isabelle Daignault

Huartson, K., Hill, T., Killam, T., Kelly, M., & Racine, N. (2022). Physician Perspectives on the Implementation of a Trauma Informed Care Initiative in the Maternity Care Setting. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience, 9(1). 

Nicole Racine

Plamondon, A., Racine, N., McDonald, S., Tough, S., & Madigan, S. (2022). Disentangling adversity timing and type: Contrasting theories in the context of maternal prenatal physical and mental health using latent formative modelsDevelopment and Psychopathology, 34(5), 1961-1973.

Isabelle Daignault, Nicole Racine