Behavior problems are distinguished from normal behaviors by the fact that they are more frequent and that they cause problems in several aspects of the young person's life. There are two types: oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder.
This disorder is a mental health problem with significant repercussions. People who have it have difficulties containing their emotions or controlling their impulses. They are extremely sensitive to what is going on around them and can react with intense emotions to small changes in their environment.
Bulimia is characterized by recurrent episodes of uncontrollable binge eating followed by inappropriate compensatory behaviors (such as self-induced vomiting, laxative or diuretic abuse), fasting, or exercise; episodes occur, on average, at least once a week for 3 months.
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Aggressive and unwanted behaviors, especially among school-aged children, that involve a power imbalance. The behaviors are repeated or have the potential to be repeated over time.
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