


Identity Disturbance

Perturbation identitaire

Identity disturbance is a term used to describe incoherence, or inconsistency, in a person's sense of identity. This could mean that a person's goals, beliefs, values and actions are constantly changing. It could also be that the person takes on personality traits of people around them, as they struggle to have and maintain their own identity.

Inapropriate Sexual Behaviour

Comportement sexuel problématique (CSP)

Refers to a child who displays inappropriate sexual behaviour, including age-inappropriate play with toys, self or others; displaying explicit sexual acts; age-inappropriate sexually explicit drawing and/or descriptions; sophisticated or unusual sexual knowledge; prostitution or seductive behaviour.

Indigenous Youth

Jeune autochtone

These are youth from parents who reported identifying with Canada's Indigenious individuals, including people who identify as First Nations, Métis and Inuit.

Integrated Health and Social Services Centres - Quebec (CISSS)

Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux - Québec (CISSS)

They ensure accessibility, continuity and quality of services for people in their territory. They are reference points where people can go in case of health or psychosocial problems. There, they can receive appropriate services or be directed to another resource of the territorial services network.

Integrated University Health and Social Services Centres- Quebec (CIUSSS)

Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux - Québec (CIUSSS)

They ensure accessibility, continuity and quality of services for people in their territory. They are reference points where people can go in case of health or psychosocial problems. There, they can receive appropriate services or be directed to another resource of the territorial services network.

Intellectual Disability (ID)

Déficience intellectuelle (DI)

This disorder is characterized by significant disabilities or limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior before the age of 18. These limitations refer to conceptual, social and practical skills.

Intergenerational Trauma

Trauma intergénérationnel

Intergenerational trauma is the transmission of trauma effects from one generation to the next, affecting the physical, mental, and emotional health of the next generation. 

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)

Violence conjugale (VC)

Intimate partner violence includes physical, emotional and sexual abuse, harassment, manipulation and coercion by a current or former partner.

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