

Parents Who Experienced Childhood Trauma

Parents Who Experienced Childhood Trauma

This section of the portal focuses on parents who have experienced childhood trauma, to help them better understand the consequences of such abuse in adulthood, and to offer them tools to avoid repeating these behaviors with their children.

Balados & Podcasts

Trauma-Informed Perinatal Care for People Who Have Experienced Sexual Trauma

In this episode, Vicki Mansfield (Social Worker and Practice Development Officer at Emerging Minds) discusses the importance of trauma-informed pregnancy and post-natal care for people who’ve experienced sexual trauma. Vicki draws on her experience working within antenatal clinics, maternity wards and perinatal infant mental health services. She explores how a safe and empathic relationship with pregnant people can support their agency and choices in preparing for birth and promote emotional wellbeing for both parent and infant as they transition through this major life change.

- Created by Emerging Minds.

Books & Articles

What Happened to You?

Conversations on trauma, resilience, and healing

Our earliest experiences shape our lives far down the road, and What Happened to You? provides powerful scientific and emotional insights into the behavioral patterns so many of us struggle to understand.

- Created by Dr. Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey.

She Won't Feel Like This Forever

A Book for children with mothers suffering PTSD

ThIs book aims to support mothers with PTSD in discussing what they're feeling and also to reassure children that their mother wont feel like this forever, that they're not to blame for their mother's symptoms and that they're still very much loved. It can be difficult for mothers to express themselves when they're experiencing the full force of PTSD symptoms, so this book is aimed to be used as a tool for mothers to make reference to, to help communicate and reassure her child, in a gentle and memorable manner.

- Created by Lindsey J Crockett.

Guides & Fact Sheets

Birth Parents With Trauma Histories and the Child Welfare System: A Guide for Resource Parents - Gracia's Story

Created by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

You may be one of the many parents involved with the Child Welfare System who has experienced or witnessed dangerous, even life-threatening, events known as trauma. If so, this resource is for you. It includes facts about trauma that you may find helpful and one parent’s story. 

Birth Parents With Trauma Histories in the Child Welfare System: A Guide for Parents - Karen's Story

Created by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

Parents’ past or present trauma can make it difficult for them to work effectively with case workers and resource parents toward reunification with their children. Even if you don’t know a parent’s personal history of trauma, your recognizing that trauma may have played a role in their lives will help you more effectively support and work with the entire family. 



How a Caregiver’s Trauma Can Impact a Child’s Development

When trauma from a caregiver impacts a child, it can create a cycle that extends for generations. While these impacts can be significant and long-lasting, attachment styles aren’t set in stone. People can learn secure attachment at any point in life.

- Created by the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine (NICABM).