



This section of the portal provides resources related to trauma assessment in children and adolescents.

Guides & Facts Sheets

Complex Trauma Standardized Measures

Created by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

This document provides a table of standardized measures that are appropriate for children and families dealing with complex trauma.

Assessment of Complex Trauma by Mental Health Professionals

Created by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

This fact sheet offers information on the assessment of complex trauma in children. It provides general guidelines for assessing complex trauma such as gathering information, a variety of approaches and techniques, how to work with a child's family and care team, and assessing over time. It also gives helpful tips providers can use.

Age-Related Reactions to a Traumatic Event

Created by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

This fact sheet describes how young children, school-age children, and adolescents react to traumatic events and offers suggestions on how parents and caregivers can help and support them.

Family Trauma Assessment : Tip Sheet for Clinicians

Created by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

This fact sheet details the importance of a trauma assessment when families have experienced a trauma and guides clinicians in the assessment process. It provides information on how to get families to embrace the need for assessment, the best practices in and appropriate domains for family trauma assessment, how to choose instruments and decide what to measure, and how to present results to the family.

Child and Adolescent Screener for Traumatic Exposure and Response (CASTER)

Created by the George Hull Centre Institute of Childhood Trauma and Attachment.

The CASTER is a screening tool which allows trauma exposure and symptoms to be identified early in the assessment and treatment process. It helps child and youth-serving sectors identify traumatic stress in presenting clients and allows for appropriate clinical and case-planning responses.

Screening or Not Screening? Unresolved Debates on the Use of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire in Routine Screening

Created by Dr. Delphine Collin-Vézina, Dr. Denise Brend and Dr. Barbara Fallon.

This information sheet summarizes recent findings presenting the benefits and limitations of using the ACE questionnaire as part of routine screening in community and clinical samples.  

Trauma-Informed Workplace Assessment

Created by the Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute.

This 2-5 minutes assessment tool provides a more accurate picture of your organization’s approach to trauma-informed principles. Once completed, it provides an 8-page detailed report that will help you evaluate, understand, and discuss how your organization can become more trauma-informed.

Screening and Assessment

Created by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

These pages provide more information about trauma-informed screening and assessment—including the types of tools that are available and strategies for engaging families—as well as considerations for implementation. In addition, the searchable NCTSN Measures Review Database provides easy access to comprehensive clinical and research information on a variety of measures important for the field of child traumatic stress.


Structural Dissociation Model

Created by the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine (NICABM).

This infographic describes the distinctions between the defense and the attachment systems. The Structural Dissociation Model, developed by Kathy Steele, MN, CS, Onno van der Hart, PhD, and Ellert Nijenhuis, PhD and presented in this infographic, can help us work more effectively with patients who are experiencing this.

Four Key Ways Collapse/Submit Can Present in a Client

Created by the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine (NICABM)

This infographic highlights the four key ways of how trauma responses may present in clients. It also gives a clearer idea of what the collapse/submit response can look like as it can be difficult to recognize, just like many of the emerging defense responses to trauma.

Suicide Warning Signs

Created by the Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute.

This infographic provides 15 warning signs to assess suicidal risk. Although many are not overly alarming on their own, taken collectively they become very concerning. 

Warning Signs of Disordered Eating

Created by the Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute.

This infographic provides potential signs that an individual needs help and may present an eating disorder. 


Training Events

Created by the Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute.

These online workshops address different subjects, including anxiety, violent situations, counselling, trauma-informed care, trauma, borderline personality disorder, vicarious trauma, and more. 

Trainings and Prevention Workshops ($)

Created by Marie-Vincent Foundation.

These trainings and workshops are designed for a variety of professionals who want to learn more about best practices regarding sexual assault.

Family Connections

Created by Connect Our Kids.

Family Connections helps child welfare professionals quickly create support maps. To gain full acess to this tool, schedule your free 30-minute onboarding session.

Videos & Webinars

An Examination of Forensic Interviewers’ Note-Taking Practices and Perceptions

This panel, presented during the 2022 Trauma Symposium, focuses on what note-taking is during interviews conducted by professionals (e.g., social workers, police officers), as well as its risks and benefits.

- By Matthew Baker, Annie Shiau, Olivia Holden, Kelly McWilliams & Shanna Williams.



Resilience Research Center

Created by the Resilience Research Centre.

This website, led by Dr. Michael Ungar, the Resilience Research Centre has collaborated with local, national and international institutions for more than 15 years to carry out innovative research that explores pathways to resilience across cultures. That work focuses on explaining how children, youth and adults thrive in family, school, workplace and community settings under stress. The Centre also provides resilience measurement tools and training in the form of workshops and conferences. Through its partnerships with researchers, policymakers and clinicians around the globe, the Centre has built a world-renowned resource hub of resilience expertise and tools to support individuals and communities on their path to psychological, social, cultural and physical well-being.