

Youth Criminal Justice Settings

Youth Criminal Justice Settings

This section of the portal offers resources on trauma-informed practices that can be integrated into the criminal justice context, particularly for adolescents.

Books & Articles

Psychological Trauma and Juvenile Delinquency

Created by Dr. Patricia K. Kerig.

This book focuses on uncovering the underlying developmental mechanisms that account for the association between trauma and antisocial behavior, as well as identifying the intervening processes that might encourage youth to be more positively social. 

Guides & Facts Sheets

Evidence-Informed Interventions for Posttraumatic Stress Reactions with Youth Involved in the Juvenile Justice System

Created by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

This fact sheet dscribes evidence-informed interventions for youth involved in the juvenile justice system. It discussed interventions that address posttraumatic emotional and behavioral problems, setting the stage before providing or referring for a therapeutic intervention, intervention for traumatized adolescents, interventions for traumatized youth involved in the juvenile justice system, and additional clinical considerations when working with youth involved in the juvenile justice system

Ten Things Every Juvenile Court Judge Should Know About Trauma and Delinquency

Created by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, the National Child Traumatic Stress Network and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

This guide highlights what ten things juvenile court judges should know to best meet the needs of traumatized children who come into their system. It breaks down each of the ten items for judges to offer information on how they are related to delinquency and the behaviors of youth involved in the juvenile justice system.

Trauma: What Child Welfare Attorneys Should Know

Created by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network and the Center of Children and the Law.

This guide provides child welfare attorneys with knowledge about trauma, practice tips for incorporating trauma-informed practices into legal representation, and resources to assist in the representation of clients with histories of trauma. It aides in the representation of their clients, with the understanding that not all suggestions will be applicable or appropriate in all cases.

The Psychological Science of Adolescent Behavior and Decision-Making Is Reshaping the Juvenile Justice System

Created by the American Psychological Association.

This article provides insight on new trauma-informed ways to interact with youth who have challenging behaviors. By considering that their conduct may be influenced by previous traumas, professionals as well as social workers may respond in a more efficient way by providing support, thus reducing recidivism.

Assessing Exposure to Psychological Trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in the Juvenile Justice Population

Created by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

This fact sheet explores the importance, clinical considerations, and approaches to assessing for psychological trauma and posttraumatic stress with youth in the juvenile justice population. It addresses challenges that are unique to assessment within the juvenile justice environment.

Trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Among Girls in the Juvenile Justice System

Created by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

This fact sheet gives details about the growing number of girls in the juvenile justice.It outlines the prevalence of trauma exposure among justice-involved girls, the prevalence of PTSD among justice-involved girls, potential consequences of trauma for girls, the impact of juvenile justice system on traumatized girls, and gender responsive programming.

Attachment, Self-Regulation, Competency (ARC) Trauma Study

Created by Delphine Collin-Vézina, Kim Coleman and Lise Milne.

This factsheet offers information on the attachment, self-regulation, and competency (ARC) trauma study. More precisely, it presents the definition of ARC model, types of trauma, repercussions in youth, especially in residential care or youth protection services.

Complex Trauma: Facts For Directors, Administrators, and Staff in Residential Settings

Produit par le National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

Ce guide fournit des informations pour les individus travaillant dans les foyers d'accueil sur la manière de comprendre les comportements des jeunes à travers une lentille traumatique. Il présente également des recommandations aux directeurs et aux administrateurs sur les politiques sensibles aux traumas, sur la formation du personnel et le bien-être de soi ainsi que sur les besoins développementaux et éducatifs des jeunes.

Complex Trauma: Facts For Treatment Staff in Residential Settings

Produit par le National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

Ce document souligne l'importance d'opter pour une approche holistique, multidisciplinaire et à plusieurs niveaux pour répondre aux besoins des jeunes souffrant de traumas complexes dans les foyers d'accueil. Cette fiche d'information offre des lignes directrices générales aux professionnels offrant des soins, les invitant à « éviter une vision du comportement des jeunes qui se limite uniquement à la gestion du comportement ».


Think Trauma: A Training for Working with Justice Involved Youth

Created by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

This training provides an overview for juvenile justice staff on how to work towards creating a trauma-informed juvenile justice residential setting. It includes four modules including trauma and delinquency; trauma’s impact on development; coping strategies; and vicarious trauma, organizational stress, and self-care.

Videos & Webniars

Community Violence and Trauma: Supporting Youth and Building Resilience

This webinar discusses the processes leading maltreated youth to become involved in the juvenile justice system. It also describes the characteristics of crossover youth with a particular focus on those living in urban settings, including the highly disproportionate representation of ethnic minority youth and girls.

- Created by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.


Trauma-Informed Justice

Created by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

This part of the website, dedicated to trauma-informed justice systems, offers resources to help juvenile justice professionals (including judges, attorneys, law enforcement, probation officers, frontline residential staff, and mental health personnel) understand and provide trauma-focused services to these youth, create trauma-informed juvenile justice systems that are effective ,and ensure the safety of youth, family members, staff, and community. It presents the essential elements of a trauma-informed justice and offers resources divided by resource type, trauma type, language, audience and other.